
I had an extremely long day yesterday, starting with a Uber ride at 7:45, to go downtown and meet my tour group for the trip to Cholula and Puebla. I didn’t get back to my hotel until after nine last night and basically collapsed as soon as I took my shoes off. But what a day!

Architecture on the streets of Mexico City

The streets of Mexico City as we leave on the bus

Ancient volcanoes in the distance

Even though the tour doesn’t officially begin until we reach Cholula, for me the adventure is always right now and I find so many everyday things fascinating. The scenery out the bus window is everchanging from one moment to the next and I love seeing the daily routine of the Mexican people. I don’t think I could get used to the traffic, though.


Agriculture is a main industry around Cholula

The steps leading up to the cathedral in Cholula

Made it to the top!

Visiting this beautiful cathedral was a highlight of the trip and sharing the journey up all those steps with my new friend, Lydia, was very special. We both took those steps at the same pace as the Mexican pollution, combined with the high altitude left us both gasping for air. As we ventured inside the cathedral we knew it had all been worthwhile, as the splendour inside was even more breathtaking. Although smaller than most of the other cathedrals I’ve visited, this one is easily the most beautiful with its pink interior and pure gold leaf decoration and the most amazing domed ceilings decorated with murals. My only disappointment was the restriction of cameras and cellphones – no photos allowed. Let me assure you that the pure beauty of it was extremely moving.
This was another example of a cathedral being built on the site of an Aztec temple or pyramid and the steps leading upwards were constructed using the original stones from that previous temple.
From Cholula we again boarded the tour bus and headed towards Puebla, but more on that next time…
Until then, love carol xox

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One Response to Cholula

  1. Tammy says:

    Those stairs are cool! xoxo

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