I was so diligent in keeping up with all the steps over the holiday season and really enjoyed the hectic pace, for the most part. As of the first week of January, all my components were complete, and stacked up neatly in their little zippy bags to keep them organized.
When all was revealed, I went ahead and finished one whole block, yup, just one. It is so beautiful in all its colourful glory and I’m very happy with my fabric selections. I used some favourites that I had been hoarding and added some new ones into the mix, with a couple that I had purchased just for this project. The constant, as suggested by Bonnie Hunter, was the yellow fabric and I bought yardage of that lovely old Brandon Mably print to add some sparkle. I didn’t want just an ordinary solid or tone on tone yellow, and I’m so glad I used something that was a bit more ‘gutsy’.
And yet, there she sits…
At first I wasn’t quite sure if I liked the final reveal (I knew for sure I wasn’t in love) but as time goes by, I think I’m beginning to fall a little in like with it. Not enough to motivate me to sew it all together, yet, but almost. It’s one of those quilts that needs time to ferment, to ripen, to mature on the vine, to grow on you, if you get my meaning.
The more finished tops I see scattered around on the Web the more accepting I am of this crazy, busy, colourful quilt. Meanwhile, I’ve dug deep into other large projects and will be able to show amazing results and surprising finishes very soon.
But for the time being, there she sits… waiting for my attention, craving completion.
It was such a good idea to store this project in airtight zippy bags. Not only is it very organized but, hopefully, it will stay fresh for a very long time!
I truly had such Grand Illusions, or was that Grand Delusions?